Acoustics Today
Open access scientific magazine of the Acoustical Society of America
The “Sound of Freedom" - Characterizing Jet Noise from High-Performance Military Aircraft
Engines that propel high-performance tactical aircraft also produce noise levels sufficient to cause concern regarding personnel hearing loss.More…
Nonlinear Acoustics Today
Nonlinear acoustics can remove particulates from air, quiet sonic booms, create audio spotlights, and improve medical ultrasound imaging and therapy. More…
A Review of US Aircraft Noise Regulatory Policy
Why do Federal aircraft noise regulatory policies only rarely accomplish their own goals? More…
Lowering the Boom
Until recently, all supersonic flight created objectionable sonic boom noise. More…
Human Perception of Sonic Booms from Supersonic Aircraft
Advances in human response research will help pave the way for a new era of commercial supersonic flight. More…
Minneapolis, Eagan, and Richfield VS. The Metropolitan Airports Commission
After making a promise to the communities, the Minneapolis–St. Paul Airport reinterpreted its commitment to provide sound insulation to homes and several lawsuits ensued from those affected. More…
Open access journal providing dissemination of important new research results and technical discussion in all fields of acoustics.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) is an editor-reviewed, open-access, online journal published by the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). Articles originate as papers presented at ASA meetings.
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