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Educator Workshops

Educator Workshops

The Acoustical Society of America sponsors educator workshops during meetings of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).

Workshops address the science of sound such as physics, music, hearing, animal bioacoustics, architectural acoustics, underwater acoustics, speech and medical acoustics. Many of the materials are research based and tested with students and teachers. Our workshops are open to teachers, librarians, professors, and anyone interested in education in acoustics.


Past Educator Workshops

Please check back here for future workshop announcements.

Sound & Music: Ways to Teach It

The Acoustical Society of America is proud to offer a “Sound and Music Activity Kit” free to K-12 teachers. The kit includes 10 high-quality tuning forks (frequencies chosen to address a range of learning goals), a sound level meter, four laminated posters of the inner ear and hair cells (healthy and damaged), additional items for hands on demos and 32 research based, interactive, student-tested lessons, laboratory exercises and two assessments. These lessons have been reviewed by the AAPT PTRAs (Physics Teacher Resource Agents). There are lessons that are appropriate for a range of levels K-14. Topics include basic learning goals for teaching the physics of sound with examples and applications relating to medical imaging, animal bioacoustics, physical and psychological acoustics, speech, audiology, and architectural acoustics. In this workshop the introductory lesson will be demonstrated and we will work with several of the hands-on portions of additional lessons.

Waves & Sound

This workshop will expose educators of K-8 students to a variety of ideas and labs to teach children the science of waves and sound. From human waves to hand-made instruments, this full-day event will include resources and skills to introduce sound and waves in a relevant and interactive hands-on experience for students in younger elementary grades through upper middle grades. Learn activities to teach about acoustic properties (frequency, amplitude, and wave interference) and sound safety. All participants will receive an Exploring Sound kit (a $50+ value). These lessons are NGSS aligned and have literacy connections.

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