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Funding Resources

Funding Resources

The ASA offers various fellowships, scholarships, prizes, grants, and awards for undergraduates, graduates, postdoctoral and professionals. For more about these and other funding opportunities, please click here.

Undergraduate Students

Best Paper Awards for Students and Young Presenters
Several ASA Technical Committees offer Best Paper Awards to students and young professionals who present at Society meetings.

ICA-ASA Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants
The Board of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) with the support of ASA has established the ICA-ASA Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants (YS Grants) Programme to help young acousticians attend International Congresses on Acoustics. Candidates must be under 35 years of age on the day of the opening ceremony of the congress and may be either undergraduate or postgraduate students, postdoctoral or young acousticians.

International Student Grants
The ASA provides research grants  to students enrolled in acoustic research programs at major universities or technical institutes in developing countries.

Robert W. Young Award for Undergraduate Student Research in Acoustics
There are four cash awards for separate and independent undergraduate student projects.

Student Design Competition
This competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students to express their knowledge of architectural acoustics and noise control in the design of a facility in which acoustical considerations are of significant importance. An award is awarded to the individual or team whose entry is chosen as “First Honors.” Commendation awards are made to four outstanding entries.

Student Transportation Subsidies for Meetings
The student transportation subsidies fund provides limited funds to students to partially defray transportation expenses to meetings. The amount granted to each student depends on the number of requests received.

Undergraduates Pursuing Graduate School

The Leo and Gabriella Beranek Scholarship in Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control
This scholarship in Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control supports graduate study in the fields of architectural acoustics and noise control. One scholarship is awarded to a student who is a US citizen enrolled in any university that offers a graduate degree program in architectural acoustics or noise control.

James E. West Fellowship
The goal of the James E. West Fellowship is to support minority students in their pursuit of graduate-level degrees in acoustics. The award consists of a cash stipend for one academic year.

The Royster Student Scholarship Award Program
This is an ASA Regional Chapter-run poster competition held once a year for scholarships. Senior undergraduate students expecting to enroll in a program involving acoustics or full time graduate students enrolled in such a program are eligible to submit entries. Posters should be on any hearing conservation or Noise Control topic.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Students taking part in these summer research opportunities receive a stipend and will take part in research. Review and apply to a site that offers acoustics or acoustics related topics.

Graduate Students

Best Paper Awards for Students and Young Presenters
Several ASA Technical Committees offer Best Paper Awards to students and young professionals who present at Society meetings.

ICA-ASA Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants
The Board of the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) with the support of ASA has established the ICA-ASA Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants (YS Grants) Programme to help young acousticians attend International Congresses on Acoustics. Candidates must be under 35 years of age on the day of the opening ceremony of the congress and may be either undergraduate or postgraduate students, postdoctoral or young acousticians.

International Student Grants
The ASA provides research grants to students enrolled in acoustic research programs at major universities or technical institutes in developing countries.

The Leo and Gabriella Beranek Scholarship in Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control
The Leo and Gabriella Scholarship in Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control supports graduate study in the fields of architectural acoustics and noise control. One scholarship is awarded to a student who is a US citizen enrolled in any university that offers a graduate degree program in architectural acoustics or noise control.

James E. West Fellowship
The goal of the James E. West Fellowship is to support minority students in their pursuit of graduate-level degrees in acoustics. The award consists of a cash stipend for one academic year.

The Raymond H. Stetson Scholarship in Phonetics and Speech Science
The Raymond H. Stetson Scholarship honors the memory of Professor Raymond H. Stetson, a pioneer investigator in phonetics and speech science. Its purpose is to facilitate the research efforts of promising graduate student. Two scholarships are awarded annually.

The Robert Bradford Newman Student Medal for Merit in Architectural Acoustics
The program honors outstanding students at schools of architecture and architectural engineering throughout the world. Students selected for the award must have demonstrated excellence in this discipline and in the application of acoustical design principles in the course of their study.

The Royster Student Scholarship Award Program
This is an ASA Regional Chapter-run poster competition held once a year for scholarship prizes. Senior undergraduate students expecting to enroll in a program involving acoustics or full time graduate students enrolled in such a program are eligible to submit entries. Posters should be on any hearing conservation or Noise Control topic.

Student Design Competition
This competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students to express their knowledge of architectural acoustics and noise control in the design of a facility in which acoustical considerations are of significant importance. A cash prize is awarded to the individual or team whose entry is chosen as “First Honors.” Commendation awards are made to four outstanding entries.

Student Transportation Subsidies for Meetings
The student transportation subsidies fund provides limited funds to students to partially defray transportation expenses to meetings. The amount granted to each student depends on the number of requests received.

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