Read about acoustics
Do you want to learn about past research or ongoing projects? Check out these free resources!
Acoustics Today
This quarterly magazine contains tutorials, technical articles, ASA news, and more. The pieces in the magazine are aimed at people with a general background in acoustics, but might not be versed in the particular featured subject. Read about acoustics from any issue here.
Lay Language Papers
Lay Language Papers are short summaries of meeting presentations written by scientists for a general audience and accompanied by photos, audio and video. Please keep in mind that some of the research described in Lay Language Papers may not have yet been peer reviewed. See more lay language papers here.
AIP SciLight
A Scilight, a science highlight, briefly summarizes newly published research, emphasizing its significance to a particular field. Scilights are written to ‘intrigue’ a broad scientific audience showcasing what is new and important in the latest research. Read acoustics SciLights here.
Frontiers for Young Minds
Frontiers for Young Minds is a free, online, easy to read journal for kids and this special collection celebrates the year of sound with articles exploring the fascinating world of sound and how it benefits and causes problems to people, other animals, and our environment. Read the collection here.