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Acoustics Today
Open access scientific magazine of the Acoustical Society of America
The Impact of Urban and Traffic Noise on Birds
Birds, like humans, have problems with hearing in the presence of urban and traffic noise. More…
Heptuna’s Contributions to Biosonar
The dolphin Heptuna participated in over 30 studies that helped define what is known about biosonar. More…
The Mammalian Ear- Physics and the Principles of Evolution
Physical laws govern the operation of the ear but natural selection dominates its design. More…
Exploring the Ocean Through Soundscapes
Listening to underwater soundscapes helps us understand how ocean physics and the biology of marine communities are responding to a dynamically changing ocean. More…
Animal Psychoacoustics
Animal psychoacoustics is an instrumental tool for our understanding of how nonhumans perceive the world around them. More…
Insect Bioacoustics
Despite being small, acoustical specializations allow insects to produce, detect, and localize sound for communication, predator detection, and host localization. More…
Sound Production in Aquatic Mammals
Aquatic mammals generate sound underwater but use air-driven systems derived from terrestrial ancestors. How do they do it without drowning? More…
Marine Mammal Acoustic Behavior
Marine mammals exploited acoustic properties of the ocean for tens of millions of years before human acousticians. More…
The Evolution of Mammalian Sound Localization
Mammals evolved better high-frequency hearing than non-mammals, and they use it for localizing sound. Does this mean they localize sound better than other vertebrates? More…
Theories About Target Ranging in Bat Sonar
The frequency-modulated biosonar sounds transmitted by bats are well-suited to the accurate determination of target range and target. More…
Where the Decibels Hit the Water- Perspectives on the Application of Science to Real-World Underwater Noise and Marine Protected Species Issues
It is critical to try to avoid or mitigate potential impacts of man-made sounds on protected marine species. More…
The Underwater Sound Field from Impact Pile Driving and Its Potential Effects on Marine Life
The increased use of impact driving to install steel piles for in-water construction has with it a responsibility to assess the possible effects of related underwater noise on aquatic life. More…
Open access journal providing dissemination of important new research results and technical discussion in all fields of acoustics.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) is an editor-reviewed, open-access, online journal published by the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). Articles originate as papers presented at ASA meetings.