Acoustics Program Directory


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Anechoic Chamber and hearing defender test rig
Institution Website
Acoustics Research Centre
Department Street Address
Newton Building
M21 0XT
United Kingdom
Degrees Offered
ASA Chapter
Program Summary

Our work is about engineering a better sounding world, whether that is improving the speech quality of broadcast audio, designing noise barriers to quieten high speed rail or creating a concert hall whose acoustic improves music. To do this, we bring together physics and psychology to understand how sound waves behave and how people respond to them. We also use computers and digital technology to engineer better sound. Graduates have enviable employment prospects, we have Alumni working worldwide at Apple, Dyson and the BBC, for example. You will be taught by internationally recognized leaders in acoustics and audio research. We have strong links with industry, including work placements all over Europe.

Dr. Phil Duncan
+44 161 2955685
Dr. Jon Hargreaves
+44 161 295 2187

Funding is available from the Acoustical Society of America through a program of fellowships, scholarships, prizes, grants, and student and young professional awards.

There are also funding opportunities that are offered in connection with meetings of the Society including Student Travel Grants, Best Paper Awards for Students and Young Presenters, Young Investigator Travel Grants and Dependent Care Subsidies.

The Committee on International Research and Education oversees the International Student Grants program as well as sponsorship of Specialty Symposia in Acoustics.

Click here for funding resources!