Committee on Education in Acoustics
The Committee on Education in Acoustics (EdCom) of the ASA is the home for all acousticians who participate in acoustics education: communicating the technical content of our science and its importance to others. EdCom is charged with exploring, proposing, and implementing activities for improving and promoting education in acoustics at all levels.

A message from the EdCom Chair, Daniel A. Russell:
EdCom strives to foster a supportive environment for acoustics educators at all levels and in all areas of expertise. At the semi-annual ASA meetings, please feel free to join us at our open EdCom meetings […]
EdCom hosts various events and programs. To learn more the website or read the 2015 committee report in Acoustics Today.
Acoustics Demonstrations for Middle and High Schoolers
This is a hands-on demonstration session for middle/high-school students. The demonstrations are led by members of the Society who introduce the students to physics and the exciting world of acoustics; for most of the students, this is the very first time that they have seen any acoustics at all.
This is one of the EdCom’s longest-running programs. Anyone interested in helping during this exciting session at an upcoming ASA meeting should contact the EdCom committee.
Students Meet Members for Lunch
Technical Initiatives and Sessions
Recent technical sessions have covered distance education in acoustics, tools for teaching acoustics in undergraduate, and graduate level courses. The EdCom also co-sponsors sessions with other technical committees of the ASA such as thr Communicating the Science of Underwater Sound (co-sponsor: Animal Bioacoustics) and Demonstration of Physical Acoustics (co-sponsor: Physical Acoustics) sessions. To find out more about these sessions, attend the open EdCom committee meeting at biannual Meetings.