Women in Acoustics Committee
The Women in Acoustics (WIA) Committee is a subgroup of the Acoustical Society of America created in 1995. The committee fosters a supportive atmosphere within the Society and within the scientific community at large, ultimately encouraging women to pursue rewarding and satisfying careers in acoustics.

In 2017, Lauren Ronsee and Tracianne B. Neilsen wrote about honored prominent women in acoustics. Read the complete article here.
At each national meeting of the Society, a WIA luncheon is held, open to all meeting attendees. The luncheon provides fellowship and networking opportunities for women and supporters of women at the meeting.

In 2010, Marcia J. Isakson wrote about the history of women in acoustics in Acoustics Today Volume 6. Read the complete article here.
Although women have made major strides in the Society from one charter member in 1929 to the almost 1200 women participating today, there is more work to be done.
The WIA Committee hosts various events and programs. For more information visit the Women in Acoustics website.
Women in Acoustics Luncheon
These luncheons honor different women who have contributed to ASA and the field of acoustics. Recent honorees include:
- Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac
- Lisa M. Zurk
- Alice H. Suter
- Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou
To purchase a ticket, please refer to the registration page for the current meeting.
Listen Up and Get Involved!
At biannual ASA meetings, an interactive acoustic demonstration session is presented to local area Girl Scouts by ASA members. Anyone interested in helping out at an ASA meeting should contact the Women in Acoustics committee.
Come and explore this acoustic wonderland at the next ASA meeting!
Round-table Discussion Sessions
Periodically, the Women in Acoustics Committee hosts facilitated round-table discussion sessions at the ASA meetings. Please see the ASA meeting program for more details.