Your Ear

Developed by W.K. Adams Students explore how the ear hears and work through an interactive demonstration. These activities are included in the larger Sound and Music Lesson Plan.  Science Topics Sound WavesVibrationsSoundSense of HearingHealthEnergy Process Skills...
Musical Instruments part 2

Musical Instruments part 2

Students experiment with various sound sources, including their voice and different musical instruments to gain an understanding of the connection between sound and vibration.

Musical Instruments part 2

Musical Instruments part 1

Students experiment with various sound sources, including straw instruments and water bottles, to gain an understanding of the connection between sound and vibration. This lesson is designed for uses AFTER the Sound and Music introductory lesson.

Musical Instruments part 2

Tuning Fork Discovery

Students study a brief history of sound, examine the role of tuning forks in this history and then conduct experiments with tuning forks.

Musical Instruments part 2

How Dolphins Use Sound

This activity is a visual, class or group discussion version of the Echolocation and SONAR homework. The reading from that activity has been put into a visual power point with student questions placed at key points.

Musical Instruments part 2

Sound and Music

Students explore the physics of sound, how the ear hears and how musical instruments work through interactive demonstrations and student activities.

Echolocation Wrap-Up

This activity brings together the hands-on activities done in indoor and outdoor echolocation units and helps students understand why and how echolocation works.

Giant Acoustics Wordsearch

This word search uses 36 acoustics terms found in the lessons and will take a minimum of 2 hours to complete.

Sound Measures

Students use a sound level meter to measure, compare and graph sound levels in different environments.

How Loud is Too Loud?

Students create wheel that will show them various sound sources, the decibels produced by that sound, and allowable time they can be exposed to that level of sound.

Simple Harmonic Motion

Students investigate a spring, a pendulum and pasta w/raisins or marshmallows to determine if the period depends on length, amplitude and mass for each oscillator.

Musical Instruments part 2

Sound Wave Lab

Students use the “Sound” simulation from the PhET Interactive Simulations to understand how different sounds are modeled, described and produced.

Musical Instruments part 2

Elephant Acoustics

This assignment consists of a series of conceptual questions about a website article on elephant acoustics encouraging the students to connect what they’ve learned about the physics of sound with how elephants hear and make sound.

Musical Instruments part 2


This presentation includes more than an hour of slides which have a section on speech intelligibility and acoustician careers.

Musical Instruments part 2

The Doppler Effect

Students experience the Doppler effect by watching videos and teacher demonstrations of how pitch changes followed up with a whole class discussion.

Musical Instruments part 2

How Dolphins Use Sound: Elementary

Students learn about people and animals that use echolocation and how it works through video and discussion with their peers. Elementary Edition.

Musical Instruments part 2

Fish Finding Game

Students explore the speed of sound by experiencing the delay for sound to reach them when they know a noise has been made.

Musical Instruments part 2

Sound Not Sight

Students explore the idea of how it feels to use sound to locate objects and experiment with having to search for objects above and below them, not just side to side.

Musical Instruments part 2

3D Location

Developed by W.K. Adams Students explore the idea of how it feels to use sound to locate objects and experiment with having to search for objects above and below them, not just side to side. It is necessary to have another activity for other students to do while one...
Musical Instruments part 2

Good Vibrations

Interactive lessons demonstrating the connection between sound and vibrations.